Israel Courts Get it Right
In the same day, the U.S. Supreme Court left standing a Florida law that bars gay couples from adopting children, and the Israeli Supreme Court decided that gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to adopt one another's children
Now, obviously these two laws are not the same. In California, at least, gay couples have long been allowed to adopt under these circumstances (albeit with the caveat that a conservative judge could simply turn them down). Florida's law is about adoption of children unrelated to the spouse, although I imagine it would have ramifications for adoption under the circumstances that the Israel Supreme Court dealt with.
So let's ponder this for a moment.
In Israel, they respect the rights of gay families.
In Florida, if you've been convicted of Domestic Violence, ie., if you've beaten your wife to a bloody pulp, we're happy to let you adopt. Take two, they're small! But if you are a gay man who has fostered, for example, 8 children with AIDS and HIV (one of the actual plaintiffs in the case), we'd rather find some abusive son of a bitch to adopt the children. As long as he puts his schlong in the right place, we don't care what else he does.
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