Bonobos are Being Eaten!
As if there weren't enough reasons to be horrified by the war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, now it looks like people are eating bonobos. Bonobos are my very favorite animal, which is not the only reason to be devastated by the fact that they may be down to 2% of previous levels. TWO PERCENT. This is appalling. It's appalling that people are hungry enough to engage in what has to seem almost like cannibalism. It's appalling that the people in this country are engaged in a war so brutal. It's appalling that all of Africa seems to be fast approaching an order of hell as yet unimagined. It's appalling that we in the west are so unwilling to get involved.
And it's pretty goddamn appalling that I'm only blogging about this because of the pending extinction of these sweet little Bonobos. These poor little peaceful, matriarchal, sex-obsessed creatures have inspired me to all sorts of outrage, when the horros of Africa inspire me to little other than despair. I'm disgusted with myself.
Are male Bonobos called "Sonny"? Sorry, couldn't resist. -Liz
Great link...poor little bonobos.
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