How Bad Does It Have To Get?
Another massacre in Iraq today today. Which leads me to wonder, what magnitude of catastrophe would cause people to stop? Any? At what point does a natural disaster become so catastrophic that your average suicide bomber thinks to himself, "You know what, maybe my piece of this world is so tiny, compared to the horror, and my issue so tiny compared to what's going on, that I'm going to take a little break, here." Would a huge asteroid careening toward earth be enough or would he try to get in just one more explosion before the big one?
I've been letting my kids listen to the news on NPR. It's pretty awful, but I feel like they need to hear this. This is one of the worst things that will happen to the world in their lifetimes (I mean, I hope so, kenehora poo poo poo) and I want them to understand how lucky we are to be here, eating our dinner of Swedish meatballs and parsley noodles.
We should also be eating a cake. The Tunnel of Fudge from Sunday's New York Times. Michael made it yesterday, and it looked amazing. Truly fabulous, all gooey in the middle. I only like milk chocolate (lay off, I already know how lame it is. Michael says he never would have married me if he'd known.) so I didn't eat any, but Michael and Zeke each had a piece and nearly expired from delight. They were all excited to dig into the rest of it.
The goddamn dog ate the cake. The whole cake. Isn't chocolate supposed to be poison for dogs? She doesn't look sick at all. She just looks smug.
I actually sat down with Grace (age 8) today to explain what had happened, figuring she'd hear it at school next week. I was mostly concerned that, since we live less than a mile from the Atlantic Ocean, she might start stressing that we too could be hit by a tsunami. She seemed to handle the whole thing relatively well, although, she's the type of kid you never really know...
As far as chocolate cake, I actually spent today scanning the Internet(s) for a recipe out of a Moosewood cookbook which mysteriously disappeared from my collection a few years back. told me it was from "More Recipes from the Moosewood Restaurant" or some such, and it's the most heavenly coffee-laced cocoa bundt cake. Sigh. I was sadly not able to illegally procure the recipe. No choco fix for me.
Forgot to mention - yes, chocolate is poison to dogs. However, I think it really depends on both the chocolate and the dog. Just yesterday, Kezzie (age 2.5) fed Indy (80lb Australian Shepherd) chocolate from her stocking (after my warning her it could kill him - yes, future serial killer in the making.) The dog is snoring next to me, seemingly unharmed.
Tell me what recipe you want, and I'll ask Molly Katzen for it.
And you say you're not the cool one.
I can't remember the actual name - it's just a simple dense, moist, very dark (from good cocoa) bundt cake. I always add the optional brandy or Kahlua so I don't have to share it with the kids.
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